By Niharika Shah
a free-verse poem about finding solace in the darkest parts of love.

Mama’s love hurts my nose
when she calls me a waste of time
and breath
it hurts to swallow air.
Papa’s love hurts in the stomach
like it can’t contain the skin that shreds
when he catches me talking to a boy till late
who will never learn to stay.
Tuff’s love hurts all over my palms
the ends of my fingers that reminisce in
the shadows of his velvet soft ears.
They still search for him in empty closet shelves,
on cold bathroom floors and promises made too quickly.
And then there is your love
that lights my chest on fire
like I’m burning and you’re holding ice in your hands
but you slip it in cola and down it, for
my smoke makes you sweat
and you have trouble breathing.
I’m drowning
and I can’t call for help because I know if you save me,
I will never try to swim again.
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