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Meet The Team
Daniella Futoran is a Psychology and Business Double Major who loves applying creativity to anything she can. She feels passionate about visual arts (drawing, painting, collaging, graphic design, multi-media), music (singing, guitar, piano), dance (Ballroom, Latin, Hip-Hop, Contemporary), writing (poetry, short stories), and film (photography, short films). Loves having meaningful conversations with new people and laughing excessively.
Vice President
Nicole is a junior from Orlando, Florida who has an affinity for a variety of art forms, particularly sculpture and graphic design. In her free time, she can be found reading fiction novels, scouring through Pinterest for inspiration, trying out vegan dessert recipes, or talking to her plants. She plans on majoring in Neuroscience and Behavioral Biology.
Head Blog Editor
Raegan Allen is an English and Creative Writing major who loves gardens, 80s films, and the smell of paperbacks. Though she is proud of her midwestern roots, Raegan enjoys spending time in New York City, London, and Queenstown. She dreams of one day working for a publishing house and/or opening a cafe devoted entirely to oatmeal.
Graphic Designer
MJ designs content for the Pulse, such t-shirts and promos for events. She loves making art, learning new things, and going out. Say hi to her and be her friend!
Symposium Chair
Alex Belov is a Math and Computer Science major on the pre-med track from Wyckoff, New Jersey. He is a Humanist who loves folk music, writing, and people.
Head Blog Editor
Elizabeth Hsieh is a senior at the college from the suburbs of Chicago. She is an English major on the pre-law track. She took Latin her freshman year on a whim and ended up falling in love with the language and department. Enjoys reading and writing poetry, playing tennis, and translating old texts.
Blog Editor
Macy Perrine is a junior majoring in English and Creative Writing. She is a poet from rural Wisconsin, and she has seven siblings. Her poems are deeply rooted in corporeality, female sexuality, and familial complication. Other than poetry, some of her current obsessions are bison, yellow cake, scenic hikes, and the Killers.